This is a bundled lot of film found loose in a drawer of a cold storage film unit in an old dark room. The film tails do not look dimpled which indicates this film are probably unused expired film rolls but have NOT been checked to confirm. There are 6 film canisters: 1 Kodachrome 25 film for color slides (rare) 20 exposures- RARE-own historic Koda! 1 Kodachrome 25 film for color slides (rare) 36 exposures-RARE-own historic Koda! 1 Kodak Gold Plus 100 35 mm for color prints. 28 exposures 1 Kodak 400 Tri X Pan 35 mm print film black and white. 20 exposures 1 Kodak High Speed Ectachrome for color slides. 36 exposures with expiration date April 1977 1 Fuji Film Fujicolor Super HGII 35mm film for color prints. 36 exposures FULL DISCLOSURE AND TRANSPARENCY: The dark room this came from was a former Root photographer in Chicago. With the exception of the Kodak Ectachrome there are no expiration dates shown on the film roll and therefore unknown. Also, we do NOT know if these rolls are unused or not for sure. Its a no return priced for the dark room nation out there seeking film and keeping the dark room lights on!