Elektra Color Negative 35mm film ISO 100 Flic Film Twenty Rolls - NEW A special - NEW exciting emulsion available in Color Print Film Here is your chance to grab or gift a Twenty Roll PRO Pack of one of the more esoteric films available In 35mm format today Elektra 100 Kodak Aerocolor IV ISO 100 Color Print Film by FlicFilm 35mm x 36 Exp - 20 Roll Pro Pack Elektra 100 by Flic Film Kodak Aerocolor IV Film Specially spooled Kodak Aerocolor IV film, an aerial color negative Kodak stock originally intended for high-altitude reconnaissance. This unique film offers broad exposure latitude, extremely fine grain, high sharpness, and has tremendous resolving power. Standard C-41 Process Please handle film in low light conditions. A versatile, all-around Film. Smooth, fine grain, enhanced color reproduction & sharpness. Indoor + Outdoor ISO 100 C-41 Process 20 Rolls x 36 Exposures Ships from Oxnard, California